Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Me and my buddy Katie
My big sis Katie is learning how to herd me (no, not HURT, we're just having fun!), so momma thought it would be fun to share our escapades with you.
Border Collie,
Wire Fox Terrier
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Sleeping, dreaming, perfecting my grammar and playing tug of war
Yup, I've been busy lately and just figured it was time to show you what I've been doing. First here I am again perfecting my grammar. My human momma says she can almost understand me!
Then after my grammar lesson I tried to teach Katie how to play tug of war. She doesn't quite get it yet.
After all that it was time for bed. I usually watch a little tv first (see the remote under my left leg?), but this time I fell right to sleep. That isn't really a jet engine in the background, or even a Kansas tornado, it's a fan and air cleaner my humans use for something called white noise. I personally don't see any white, but I do hear the noise.
Friday, April 8, 2011
This is Dogspeak for "I want to watch YouTube!"
I haven't been able to get on the computer lately cuz Momma is busy working on her stuff for Farmers Market and she keeps hogging the computer. Sometimes she watches YouTube videos while she's working and now I'm addicted to them. The videos below show me telling her that I want to watch more dogs and babies.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Where's George the Lad??????
I could hear him and even see him on the window on the desk, but I couldn't find him. Watch my reaction to seeing George the Lad's singing debut on his blog/YouTube. Oh, you can see him here
George the Lad,
Wire Fox Terrier,
Who's been sleeping in THEIR bed???
When my two-legged momma got home today she found this mess on her bed. Was it me??? Well that'd be pretty hard since I'm in a crate all day!
Innocent me gazing out the window on my favorite chair.

Innocent Katie sitting on the futon...
Innocent Charlie who is too fat to jump on the bed...
That leaves Libby and I'd say from her bowed head that it was her! She even looks ready to hide in my crate, but she's too big for it. I thought I heard her back there in the bedroom today making a ruckus, so I told momma that it was her! Momma said it's time to change the sheets anyway so she's not upset. I'm the only one allowed to sleep on the bed with her and daddy because I don't shed much. Only the other night I was really restless and daddy got a little upset with me for wanting to play when he was trying to sleep. What is it with these humans anyway?
Border Collie,
Golden Retriever,
Wire Fox Terrier
Thursday, February 24, 2011
My brother cats
Monday, February 14, 2011
Finding my alone time and together with the pack
I was in doggy heaven the other day when I was given a rawhide chewy. WOW!!! All that talk about me having the attention span of a gnat flew out the window after I spent about an hour all by myself in various locations in the house just chewing on this rawhide chewy. In the picture below I'm all nestled in with my human daddy's shoes next to the bed. The other dogs came and went, all showing a bit of respect by not taking my chewy away from me. Later I'll give you a link to a video that will be on Katie's blog showing Libby stealing the chewy after daddy put it on the dresser. They thought it was me until momma put a hidden camera on the dresser and caught Libby in the act!
My human sister that helped find me and trick momma in to the surprise trip came over Sunday with her littlest adopted dog Sugar and I had fun playing with her. When the videos are done uploading on YouTube I'll post them here. Below you can see us all begging very politely as our sis was eating her lunch. Libby was on the futon next to our sis.
ah, one of the videos is done!
and here's one of me with the chewy
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
My new trick for Wednesday
After my humans got home from work today and put me outside I learned a new trick. I learned how to make my daddy run down the street! tee hee hee!!! All I had to do was squeeze through the gap in the fence and run down the street as fast as I could and he came running right after me! He said he didn't know he could still run that fast and momma was ready to get in the car cuz she can't run. I tried hiding on the front porch of a house down the street but he saw me hop up there and he got me and carried me all the way home. Now he put a big board up on the gate so I can't get out. I heard them say that none of their other dogs ever tried to get out, then momma said none of them are puppies. That means I'm special, huh? I'm having a little trouble with stuff leaking out of my backside, well not really leaking, but I can't hold it. Momma thinks it's just from the change in living quarters and she hopes it clears up soon because it makes her hold her nose and spray air freshener all over the house.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Just making myself at home is all...
I've been busy learning my way around my new home and just can't quite figure out this thing in the first picture. I keep trying to get it to play with me, but it just ignores me. My attention span isn't very long, so I just run around until I find something else more exciting like this black thing I found on the bed. I always see my humans pointing it at a big black box, so I was just trying to do that too. Well there aren't any pictures of what happened, but these little things called batteries came out of the back and my momma was pretty upset because she said they're poison and it's a good thing I didn't bite through them. Then she told my daddy that they have to puppy proof the house, whatever that means. Go figure!
The last picture shows me with my sister Libby. She only gets to stay on the bed until the humans come to bed, but I get to sleep with them all night! Katie and Libby don't think that's fair, but I think it's pretty nice that I get to sleep with the humans. That kind of makes up for me having to stay in the crate all day while the three big dogs get to run around the house!

Monday, February 7, 2011
Treasury in Honor of Wire Fox Terriers
Some of you might know that my human mom and sis have two shops on Etsy. Well the night before our surprise meeting and my adoption my human mom created this treasury. You can tell that she was really thinking about Tucker, huh? I guess it was in the stars that I was discovered! She wanted me to share it with you so you could go see all the Wire Fox Terrier stuff there is on Etsy. None of it is hers, that's a rule about treasuries. Enjoy!
Wire Fox Terrier
Sunday, February 6, 2011
The attack of the Big Blue Monster!
So I'm minding my own business when all of a sudden WHOOOSHHHHHHHHH!!!! this big blue monster starts making all kinds of racket and it's following my new daddy around the house, so I set out to scare it away. See the results in the video below...
Saturday, February 5, 2011
My new furever home!
Here I am! My name is Harley and I've landed in my furever home today, February 5, 2011. I've never been so happy before in my entire short life and am sure that this new family will love me, protect me and fill my days with fun and excitement. Here's a little bit about me, or at least what my new family knows about me anyway.
I was born in November of 2009. My first family had to move and couldn't keep me. I was adopted, but that new family couldn't keep me either, so I ended up with a foster place called AnimalFair Foundation for Animals in Risk.
Here's what I looked like in the picture on PetFinder:
and here is what I look like today
My fur isn't all white like in this picture, but if any of you remember my owner's previous Wire Fox Terrier, Tucker, he was all white at one point in his life too, so they think he was just kind of pointing me in their direction by making me glow!
How did I come to this special family? Well my human sister found me on Petfinder and got in kahootz with my human Daddy to surprise my human Momma. They kidnapped her for a road trip this morning and made her think they were just going shopping at this really huge outdoor shopping mall in Lees Summit, Missouri. Well after eating and shopping they walked in to the Petco that was having an adoption day and when my new Momma saw me standing there she figured out what was happening. Then this wet stuff started coming out of her eyes and she kind of covered her face and made funny sounds and I got all excited. After she calmed down a bit we walked around the store and I got a new collar and walking harness and all kinds of attention from strangers and kids. I was a really good boy and didn't make any puddles inside the store even though every corner I walked past was yellow and smelled like other dogs. Boy when they finally took me outside I let it all out for a really long time! My momma and sister wondered if this squatting thing was a WFT trait. What do you think?
The ride home was uneventful. I got to drink some liquid out of Momma's cup (see the slide show below), then they stopped and got me my own water in a shorter cup. I was really thirsty, then got the hiccups from drinking so fast! It was fun watching all the cars and trucks drive past us (Daddy is a slow driver compared to those Kansas City folks!) I sort of fell asleep, but was too excited to keep my head down. When we got to my new home I was introduced slowly, one-by-one to my canine siblings. First there was Libby, their newest adoptee before me. She's a Golden Retriever through and through and really wasn't very interested in me. Next was Charlie, or maybe he was first, I forget... he's the only other boy dog and he's old and fat. He also kind of ignored me after sniffing my backside. Last, but not least was Katie the Border Collie who was VERY interested in me. The humans think she thought I was Tucker returned from the grave, but what they don't realize is that dogs know us by our smell and I don't smell anything like Tucker.
Now I'll just tell the rest of my story from today by showing you some videos. Katie has a slide show and another video on her blog here. For some odd reason the slide show won't work on my blog yet. :-(
Border Collie,
Golden Retriever,
Wire Fox Terrier
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